samedi 1 août 2015

The Amazing Aunt May

My first request !!!

"Can you make more Aunt May TF into sexy heroines?"

Since Aunt May discovered that her nephew, Peter Parker, was the Amazing Spider-Man, she couldn't sleep well. Not a day passes without news talking about Spider-Man fighting a monster endowed by frightening powers.
But a night helped her making a terrible decision. Her nephew had been hospitalized, with very serious injuries. Aunt May didn't want to stay and wait anymore. She had to do something, and she knew who could help her. May remembered that, some days ago, Peter told her that Tony Stark was working on a BodySuit technology. When it will be ready, you will just have to connect your mind into an artificial body you will control, just like if it was your. Her nephew joked, saying maybe her dear aunt could do "base jump" soon.
Then, here she was, talking to Tony Stark about her needs. The billionaire was hard to convinced but May finally succeed.
One week later, she connected for the first time to this artificial body. And it felt great ! She was incredibly flexible and strong. Also, Mr Stark provided her BodySuit with devices giving her abilities similar to Spider-Man.
"Thank you Mr Stark ! For the body and... the face !"
Looking herself on a mirror, May was indeed delighted by how cute she was with this suit
"Yeah ! You know, I'm a scientist but also an artist. I love beautiful things. By the way, just for you to know, this body is... fully functional.
- ... Maybe later, smiled Aunt May, understanding what Mr Stark wanted to say. Time to help Spider-Man, Spider-Saviour !"
- Catchy name !"

Aunt May put on her mask and used her web shooter to fly away.

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