mardi 19 juillet 2016

Nice powers but ugly suit

Stacy was an overweight but relatively normal 21 YO girl when she discovered a strange alien device in her backyard. It looked like a ring but when wore it, she discovered she gained some powerful abilities like super strenght, super speed and telekinesis. And the icing of the cake, Stacy's body changed at the same time to make her athletic and, thus, impossible to recognize.
With this new power, the geek girl decided to fight against the crime as Deadly.

Her only regret : that her power went with this horrible suit. She couldn't take it off without losing her abilities but they made looking her like some sort of super heroin from one of these porno parody movies.

6 commentaires:

  1. Great story! Super powers are a catergory you've never done, how come?
    BTW, does she get to keep her enhanced body without the suit (but with the ring on) or is it considered a power as well?

    1. I already did "super power" captions (two with Aunt May, it was even one of my first works). But if you have the request to make more super power captions, I'll think about it ;)
      For your question, she can't take off her suit or she will lose her power. Too bad for her ;)

    2. Oh! You're totally right. What I meant was not in comic form, lol.
      Yeah, I think it's a category worth exploring, a lot of potential.
      Too bad for her indeed, she could at least have exploited her body.

    3. Like everything, be sure if I find the good picture with the good idea, I will make others super power captions ;)

      And yeah, too bad for her. But I think I'm already very kind with my characters so I can be a little mean with them sometime :p

    4. Cool! I absolutely love the pics you use and the stories you get out of them.
