samedi 30 juillet 2016

Last stop

"You're waiting someone ? asked the beautiful girl sit on the bench just beside Tom.
- Yeah ! It's... it's... It's...  kind of stupid, finally answered the young man, a little embarassed.
- What ?
- You know, since I'm a kid, I always saw this old lady, waiting her bus at this stop.And, it might be weird for a 25 YO guy but I'm so used to her presence that I'm uncomfortable when she's not here. In fact, it must be the first time I didn't see her. I'm worried. Especially yesterday was the first time we talked each other. And she was very nice and fun".
The girl smiled. Tom blushed.
"Must be weird, huh ?
- Weird... but also cute. Come on. I'm just here for a day, so, I will not replace your old lady but don't wait 20 years before talking to me"

Tom accepted the beautiful girl's invitation. They discussed with each other the ten minutes before Tom's bus arrived. He never saw her again.
She never told her the incredible truth : she was the famous old lady. The day before, she unfortunately died from an heart attack. As she was going in the other world, a voice offered her one last day on earth in another body. And during her pilgrimage, she decided to stop seeing Tom, the nice boy she used to see everyday as she was waiting her bus

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