jeudi 10 mars 2016

The Beauty Curse

"Are you okay, Tom ? You're red and sweaty."asked his grandma as she bent over him to touch his forehead.
- I... I'm okay... grand... grandma ! I just... I have to go to the bathroom, sorry !"
Why Tom, 15YO, felt so embarassed in front of her old grandma, Jenny, 70 YO ?
To know it, we have to come back three days later. Tom was riding with her bike into the forest. And he just didn't care about animals on the way. Fortunately, he didn't crushed one with her wheel, but her behaviour pissed off a faerie. She then cursed him for a week. But it was not an ordinary curse. Tom will now see everyone as beautiful. And more uglier is the one in front of him, more he will see her/him as a hot one.
At first, the teenager liked to be surrounded by so much lovely girls even if he knew he couldn't trust his senses for a week.
But he understood why it was a curse as he couldn't escape to feel horny about most everyone he saw. Even those for which it was clearly awkward like her old English teacher... her mom....and especially her grandma which he saw as a sexy babe in underwear.

2 commentaires:

  1. Great one!
    This reminds me of that movie, Shallow Hal, where the protagonist gets to see the inner beauty as the outside one of every person he meets; it might be an interesting concept to develop if the man could also actually transform women according to their inner beauty.
