So, alone, he drove into the moutain to join the ryokan just like 15 years ago with Saaya. The place didn't changed at all. Except that, from the old couple who owned the place, only the woman was still alive. Kenji remembered Konomi as a very nice lady, taking really good care of her customer. With her husband, they were a charming couple.And Konomi remembered of all her customer, even Kenji and his wife. The evening, as they were eating, they talked a lot about themselves but their conjoint too. Then, they were going to sleep.
The next morning, Kenji woke up strangely full of energy. He quickly saw he was young again. Just like the day where he previously went on this ryokan. Another Youth day.
He dressed himself and decided to take a walk and rediscovered all this beautiful landscape, even if he was alone this time.
But during his walk, Kenji crossed a very beautiful woman wearing a kimono. Politely, he salutated her and she bowed back, advising him she was in reality Konomi. Then, Kenji offered her to walk with him. She agreed and together, they talked again. But contrary from the last night, they didn't talk about their past. It was more casual... just like it was two young people getting to know each other.
After two hours, they came back to the ryokan and Kenj returned into his room, thinking about this charming morning. Suddenly, Konomi asked the permission to enter. Kenji agreed. She then asked if she could take off her kimono. He agreed again. And as they felt attracted by each other, forgetting the age differential between them thanks to the Youth Day, they decided to offer themselves some pleasure to temporarly forget their pain.
Very sweet story and lovely pictures.