mercredi 26 août 2015

Remorse... or not ?

As she was locked in her jail, Charisma had deep thought about her life until now. Robbery, burglary, drug dealer… murder… she had a trouble youth and finished at only 28 in prison for 30 years.
As she realized she ruined her life, Charisma began to cry, hidden on her pillow. When, suddenly, she felt her spirit sucked up into the void. She didn’t have time to be scared as she awoke to find herself on a unknown kitchen’s floor.
Charisma raised herself to see she wasn’t in prison anymore. Quite the opposite, she was into some rich mansion.
“Wow, when I was young, I always dreamt to break into such a house! …   Oh! My voice!”
After realized she didn’t speak with her usual broken voice (thanks to cigarettes), Charisma saw she was not wearing her orange prisoner uniform anymore. Instead, she were into a sexy black with white dots dress and, above all…
“I’ve got gorgeous boobs!”
Charisma hurried to find a mirror. When she finally found it, she discovered she was not only into a different place and different dress, she was into another woman’s body:
“What the fuck happened?! I’m such a babe now!” exclaimed Charisma, fondling her breast and smiling to her reflection.

Later, she learned this miracle happened because of a phenomenon called the Great Shift. A large part of world’s population was put into different bodies. And Charisma was a lucky one!
Resolute to not spoil this chance, she decided to live honestly. Maybe she could travel, met some girls to have on her bed (it will be so easy now) until she could found a family. Pushed by all these beautiful dreams, Charisma tried hard to stay in the good way… for 2 months.

... Then, the crime call became too strong. The honest life was good but not for her. She loved more than anything to feel the adrenaline to be chased. After escaping her pursuers, she was so horny that sex was truly better. What a great life she had !

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