samedi 31 décembre 2016

The master and the disciple combined

Charlotte had everything to succeed in song: she was beautiful, talented, hardworking, and had attracted the attention of Angelique, a star known for her voice in the 60's, who had decided to direct her.
After another two years of work, Charlotte had not yet dared to launch her professional career to the great displeasure of Angelique who, that day, made an umpteenth time the remark. However, unlike her previous attempts, she received a surprising answer:

"Ok, I think I'm ready Angelica.
- Good ! All in good time !
- Thank you so much for what you did for me. I know I will be nothing without you. So ... I want us to sing together.
"You do not think of it! Even if I still had enough breath, nobody would want to produce a crone like me.
"I think you did not quite understand what I'm suggesting. So I'll give you a demonstration. "

Charlotte grabbed two round earrings. She put one in her right ear and invited Angelique to do the same for her left. At first puzzled, Angelique finally accepted the strange request of her disciple.

A year later, the public tore away Charlie's first album, a terribly beautiful young woman, with a mad talent and a maturity never seen in an artist of her age. Sharing each other the control of this body, fusion of their two beings, Charlotte and Angélique enjoyed it.

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