Tom always dreamed being a father. So when Cynthia, his wife, finally agreed they had a child and that she became pregnant, he felt the happiest men.
However, if he naively hoped that Cynthia would acquire maternal instinct with her pregnancy, he quickly become disilusionned. His wife refused to stop smoking and was constantly cursing their future daughter about how she made her fat and kicked her.
When she drank one glass of alcohol without any remorse, Tom was sure that she wouldn't be a good mother.
He then decided to use the Potaras he received a few days earlier in his mailbox with instructions.
Tom loved Cynthia sincerely. He just left to her to acquire the maternal instinct to make her his perfect wife. And Tom knew no better mom than his own mother ...
A few days later, Tom came back from shopping, welcomed by a good cookie smell. An odor that reminded him about his childhood.
The new Cynthia, now blonde, with a bigger chest and her mother-in-law's eyes among other things, greeted him with a cute smile:
"I made those delicious cookies just for you... and for pratice before the arrival of our sweet little shrimp. She is so full of life ! She hasn't stopped moving today! Do you want to touch ?"
Seeing her lover fondling her big belly, Tom convinced himself that he made the right choice. He had "sacrificed" his own mother, merged with Cynthia, but it was for his future daughter's good.
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