In a privatized hotel, Emmanuel Macron is visited by his 32-year-old daughter-in-law, Tiphaine, born from his wife's first marriage. As soon as the door was closed, and after making sure that no one had seen them, the two kisses each other.

"Damn ! I waited this during all the day ! It's been so long!" sighs the French president.
"It's the price to pay when we are president. It's more difficult to have a secret life"
As Emmanuel passes his hand under the woman's shirt, the door suddenly opens. Brigitte Macron just emerged in her husband's room. She seems pissed.

"Hey ! You started without me ?!"
And the sexagenarian joined them, embracing her legitimate husband. Then she takes her daughter's hand and they both move away. Emmanuel Macron sits down in his chair to be in the front row. The mother and her daughter take from their pocket a piece of paper with a formula they recite.
The next moment, their two bodies mix.
The pile of flesh moves, is modeled like a statuette.
When the metamorphosis stabilizes finally appears a hot young woman, fusion of the two beauties.
"Let's go, Mr. President, you are all ours for the night"
And Emmanuel Macron welcomed with pleasure this new young woman, fruit of her two "wife"'s union. Brigitte was the first "official" lady but Tiphaine was the secret, the forbidden one.
A relationship that lasts since more than ten years and which they had succeeded keeping it out from public's eyes.