mercredi 21 septembre 2016

Being Emily Addison

After a long time being unemployed, Suzanne, 48YO, found a job as a cleaner for a retirement home. Durink her work, she was often the witness of bad treatment against old residents. At first, she didn't try to defend them. After all, her sense of justice made her lost lot of works. Even her husband. But what's bred in the bone, comes out in the flesh. She couldn't avoid herself to defend an old women. Fortunately, the director didn't fire her as she was right. But since, her colleagues made her life and her work so hard by making mess every time they could.

It was hard. Even if Jeanne needed this money, she felt she could give up.

That's when Paulette, the resident she helped before, asked Jeanne to come into her room just after her job. Curious, Jeanne agreed. Then, Paulette showed her a secret trap, hidden under a carpet. She opened to show her a mysterious deep hole. Paulette explained that this hole was connected to a young and beautiful girls' body. Thanks to that, you could take control of her for an hour.

Of course, at first, Suzanne didn't believe it. That's why Paulette managed to push her on the hole. And suddenly, the 48 YO cleaner found herself into water. And when she emerged, she discovered the old woman told the truth : she was into someone else body. Someone called Emily Addison.
After her first trip, Paulette explained to Suzanne she could use it once by week and that almost every residents, woman or man, used it regurarly. And now, Suzanne was member of the Emily's Club.

During her next stays in Emily's body, she discovered she was a famous porn star. Then, she felt bad about this poor girl as her body was frequently stolen from her by some elderlies. But even if it was just for 1 hour, it was so good to escape from her reality to be someone else ! Someone like Emily, young and beautiful !

1 commentaire:

  1. Great job!

    But I think there is some kind of problem with the reactions feature, I have voted your latest entries and it didn't show.
