jeudi 29 septembre 2016

A job is a job

Selena, 25, thought she just found the perfect boss. Jane was a 62 YO woman but still strong-minded woman. During her youth, she built all by herself a big property business. She was the richest person in town. So, when Jane employed Selena to be her assistant and with a very important salary, the young woman couldn't believe her luck.

But her first job wasn't exactly what she thought. Jane asked her to pass by her house before going to work. Selena was right on time, wanting to make a good impression. Jane offered her a cup of tea then explained her the truth about her job. For work days, Selena had to trade her age with her boss so she could manage her company with the same strength than before. At the same time, the 62 YO Selena could enjoy the beautiful house. Disappointed at first, Selena agreed. After all, a job is a job. Even if your employer only needed your youth...

Then, ten minutes later, a rejuvenated Jane was going to work as Selena watched TV...

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